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“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.”

Richard Rohr

You Are Part of a Better Story

You Are Part of a Better Story

I’m ready for a story that holds the threads of this year Says, ‘what if…?’,  Sprinkles magic, and lets new dreams appear….

We all leave 2020 laden with stories. Our stories from this year will fit the curves of each of us, but bind and hold us together as people who are living through something so strange and new that we still can’t imagine how it will all end. We fidget with the restlessness of interrupted stories. University or school years left hanging, weddings canceled, relationships changed forever, lives suddenly very different… We’re ready for a better story. It will come…  Maybe not next week, with the story of a baby, angels, and his mother watching on. Maybe not in the coming months, with queues for a vaccine and a gradual emerging from our homes. Maybe the threads of this year will take some time to leave and weave… there is a lot of healing to do.

But a hopeful heart beats within creation, and here is a better story to hear. A bigger story, a lifeblood of hope. It brings me again to the words ‘All Will Be Well’. I’ve held onto these words throughout this year, repeating them in my head despite any evidence to the contrary! I’ve used them as a mantra, written them on my hand, held them in my heart and felt the message flow in my veins. It’s not a simple belief to live by, especially when times are sad or scary, lonely or fearful. It takes imagination, and a belief in the ‘what if…?’ We’re ready for a year of ‘what if…?’ For new dreams growing, and tattered threads weaved into beautiful new patterns. We’re ready for better stories to take heart and bloom in our broken and depressed communities, and for people to rise up and lead within them. We’re ready for gentleness, for joy, for light in the darkness. We’re ready for an end to alone-ness, and for our stories to take us in new and wonderful directions we couldn’t have imagined.

May the hope, light and peace of Christmas fill your heart. May you have all you need, and know that you are loved and good. And may you ever know that you are part of a very Good Story.

I am ready for the Christmas story,  The love-come-down, big-mystery story,  A rescue-it-from history story… A human story, hope story, don’t-we-need-it-this-year story?

I’m ready for the Christmas story.

Watch our Alternative Christmas Carol Concert for 2020 here: ‘A Better Story’

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