50,000 meals….

As a new year rolls in, The Well has now distributed 50k meals on and around our campus community. What started as a short-term covid-19 project has evolved into a long-term project in response to food injustice and rising cost of living – and our little team has worked hard to create each of these meals.

But these are 50,000 gifts we shouldn’t have had to give. The people we stand alongside also work hard, and – like us – face challenges and broken systems. No one should need a meal from us, and no campus should need 50,000 ‘free’ meals.  

But we know our work bring hope – not simply due to warming and nutritious food, but because it comes wrapped with love and is handled with care. As one of our community says, The Well “makes me feel like people genuinely care for me, when every other system treats me like a number or shuts me out.” 

With the passing of this milestone, and whilst the Christmas lights twinkle this year, we’ll continue our work over the holiday period and beyond – wishing we weren’t, but continuing to open the door and welcome everyone in.

If you’d like to support The Well you can donate via our donations page.


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